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“Taste Atlas” has created an incredible number of German dishes. Welche Speisen in Ausland nur find wenige Anhänger.

Sauerkraut or sauerkraut is now ready.
1/10Während Sauerkraut from the Oktoberfests over the German Borders cannot be anything other than the German weniger Menschen with the most ähnlichen Weinkraut vertraut. © H. Tschanz-Hofmann/Imago

It is Springerle-Plätzchen to see.
2/10Springerle is concerned with the southern tradition and is a classist among the German Plätzchen. Those cozy, light-hearted souls Kekse were impressed by the Christmas time. You recognize the typical features of the history of history. In Ausland these places seem to have little faith. © image broker/Imago

It's safe to see.
3/10Even if you have some snacks, enjoy your meal or enjoy a snack in between: Senfgurken since the Germans are unseen. The Gurks were traditionally united with Zwiebeln, Dill and Senfkörnern in one of the Essigflüssigkeit and punkt with nur wenigen Kalorien. There may be foodies in Ausland who have nothing to do with food. Gurken’s specialties can be the best right now. © Shotshop/Imago

There is a Bayerischer Wurstsalat zu sehen.
4/10In Bayerischen Biergärten you cannot find Brezeln and Knödeln der Bayerische Wurstsalat on the Karte fehlen. Serving salat with Fleischwurst, Zwiebeln, Radieschen and Gewürzgurken takes a small amount of time. © image broker/Imago

It's a great sight to see.
5/10The legend was told that the sogenannte Pichlsteiner was bought in 1879 in the Bavarian Forest zum First Mal. Die Gastwirtin Auguste Winkler has bought a soll for a Festgesellschaft. Aus Mangle and geeigneten Zutaten griff sie dabei zu Kartoffeln, Fleisch, Karotten, Kohl and Lauch and schmiss everything in one Kochtopf. In addition to the gilded gold in southern Germany, it is also a true belief abroad. © ingimage/Imago

It's a sandwich you see.
6/10The Brotsuppe schneidet im Ranking des „Taste Atlas“ nur sehr schlecht ab. Das Gericht, the ursprünglich from Frankenstammt, sounds like Mahlzeit for poor Leute. Use altbackenem Brot mit Butter or Schmalz and Zwiebeln man für die Suppe completelylich a heiße Rinder- or Gemüsebrühe. Gewürzt with the goal with Majoran, Kümmel and Muskat. © Dreamstime/Imago

It's a gefilte fish to look at.
7/10For gefilte fish species that are used carpfen, heecht or fierce. For the traditional Jewish Vorspeise, the fish must be hacked or hacked before being purchased in the form of the Kugeln or the teigtaschen in the visbrühe. I am Ausland kommt das Fischgericht alldings nicht besonders gut an. © Dreamstime/Imago

It is a Bremer Klaben you see.
8/10Der Bremer Klaben bestht aus Sultaninen und een Hefeteig. Unlike Stollen, De Backen doesn’t want everything to be rich with butter and Zucker is the best. The Weihnachtsgebäck is up to 16 years old. Jahrhundert is not possible. Warum der süße Kuchen in Ausland is not credible, it is vulnerable. © Dreamstime/Imago

It is a good thing that Bratheringe sees this.
9/10Bratheringe reads itself as well as Mahlzeit with Bratkartoffeln or gar direkt aus der Dosehren. The fried herrings have been a tradition here for a long time. The fishing service is not possible in Ausland, but it is unbelievable. © Depositphotos/Imago

It's a Zungenwurst you see.
10/10If you forget the name, you will enjoy the Zungenwurst with special Zungenstücken as well as Schweineblut, Fett and Gewürzen. The length of life is not in Ausland for most of the month. If the sausage is typically pökeled and getrocknet-wird, the sale will not be bought. Nothing here is special weit verbreitet, or in Österreich, where the Zungenwurst will be used. © Zoonar/Imago

Obwohl felle Speisen with Schweinshaxe with Knödeln, Schwarzälder Kirschtorte and international bratwurst has a good taste, not all German Gerichte großer Belief. If this country was traditionally gilded, then it is no longer an issue in Ausland. Zu diesem Schluss comes das Ranking design Taste Atlas. Is the German goal in Australia beyond faith?

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